Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Emsingen track layout finalized

After operating for a while with the rearranged trackplan in Emsingen I have decided that, while not perfect, it is as workable as it's going to get in the space I have available, and I want to move on. So after soldering feeders on Monday, tonight I started glueing down the station tracks.

The stub roadbed in the rear will be serving the Emsingen freight house.

Once the major track work is in, I can start installing switch motors, and finally use some components I bought almost two years ago, as well as turn up block detection in the upper levels of the layout.

Block detection is already up and running in staging and properly reporting block occupancy in JMRI. One use case for this is to track a train over the layout and have the computer take over as it enters staging and drop it to an open staging yard, prepare the next train to appear, so I don't have to wait for the train to make it up the ramp, etc. We'll see how that works out ...


CHRistIAN said...

Hm, hm, hm ... und Du meinst wirklich, daß da was abgeschlossen/fertiggestellt ist!?
Vom Betrachten des Bildes habe ich dann mal wieder was nicht verstanden, aber was heißt das schon!
Wenn ich mir aber vorstelle, daß auf der mit allem Möglichen belegten Gleisanlage jetzt ein Zug führe ... ginge glaube ich überhaupt nicht!
Grübel, grübel, grübel und studier ...

Bernhard said...

Was ich damit sagen will ist, dass ich keine Veraenderungen im Gleislayout mehr erwarte. Somit kann ich die Gleise verkleben, und die Unterflurweichenmaschinen einbauen kann.