Sunday, May 12, 2013

Welztalbahn News

Two weekends ago I cleaned up the work mess on the layout and got it ready to run trains again. Thanks to Stefan for his help dealing with cleaning track and finicky locomotives. Here's the VT98 on the bridge just north of Emsingen. I need to come up with a name for it. "Steinlebruecke", maybe? The entry signal to Emsingen from the north is just barely visible in the background.

Both the previous view and this one are only possible with a camera. I put an old station building where the Emsingen station is going to be. The old building is nice, but with its brick architecture doesn't fit into a Black Forest setting at all. It would work great, if I were building a layout set in northern Germany.

Pascal and I started work in Talheim station adding a base for the road and raising the area around  the station building. 

When I built the tracks in Talheim station years ago, I installed cork roadbed. I later learned (and realized from photos) that station tracks typically have drainage pipes under the roadbed, so water is drained away from both the track and the station area. The shape of the ballast is different as well. It would have been better had I used cork sheets in the station area, so that tracks are basically level with the ground around them. 

I fixed this in Emsingen over the last year, and now we're doing the same in Talheim. We started by removing the angled edges from the existing cork roadbed. I don't want to pull up the track, so this ended up being a bit surgical in places. Talheim is much easier to access, so a 10 year old boy can help in meaningful ways. He seemed to enjoy it, too.


CHRistIAN said...

Dies ist der zweite Versuch, Dir zu sagen, was die Bilder und das Telefonat davor bei mir den Kommentar hervorgerufen haben. Der erste Versuch ist gescheitert weil die blöde Identifizierung mit den Code-Brocken offensichtlich nicht geklappt hat! Also nochmal den Text neu eingeben (kein Problem weil ich wegen der schwachsinnigen Codierung zwischendurch ausdrucke)!
Mit den Bildern habe ich erst begriffen, was Du mit "Reinigen" gemeint hast. Wer außer Dir muß denn die Schiene "verrosten" lassen? - selber Schuld - aber immerhin die Züge ("Schienenbusse") fahren und dann war irgendwas richtig! Ausschauen tut es auf jeden Fall so wie echt - mehr kann man nicht verlangen; übrigens ich liebe den Schienenbus + X; der hat so was als ob ich von der Schule nach Hause fahre oder hin - ne, hin war immer der Dampfzug aus Ottbergen. - Zur Brücke ohne Namen: die rechte Seite ist zwar zu-aber ein bißchen eigenwillig;mit den Bahnhöfen- die Creativität kommt ganz sicher!

Bernhard Beck said...

Genau. Dampfzug fuer den Pendlerverkehr morgens und abends, und Schienenbus fuer den Schuelerverkehr mittags. So stelle ich mir den Betrieb Prechtal - Emsingen - Talheim - (Freiburg) vor.