Saturday, May 06, 2006

Getting overscan to work properly

The nvidia package comes with a nice X tool called nvidia-settings. It controls all aspects of the graphics chip. I feel like being on Windows. When you exit the tool it saves all settings to ~/.nvidia-settings-rc. It even has a helpful --load-config-only option that will suck in and apply the values from the rc file. You can put that e.g. into the KDE autostart folder.

The only catch: The graphics chip doesn't care.

When I open the tool, overscan is not adjusted at all. Only once I move the overscan slider even only one notch the setting gets applied to the output properly. However, the setting does get adjusted properly when I use the --assign option of nvidia-settings.

Oh well, here is the script I use to configure TVout:


nvidia-settings -a 0/TVOverScan[TV-0]=14
nvidia-settings -a 0/TVSaturation[TV-0]=130
nvidia-settings -a 0/TVHue[TV-0]=10
nvidia-settings -a 0/TVFlickerFilter[TV-0]=153
nvidia-settings -a 0/DigitalVibrance[TV-0]=7
nvidia-settings -a 0/ImageSharpening[TV-0]=0

The values are copied from nvidia-settings-rc after I was happy with the picture. It does need a little bit more fine-tuning for the greens, but looks pretty good already.

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