Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Lahaina, Maui

The flight via LAX to Maui was very long. The service and the entertainment program on United worse than expected. Well, I expected the worse and was pleasantly surprised when one of the stewardesses actually smiled. Since the flight wasn't full I managed to switch to an exit row seat after take-off. I brought food and a good book, time passed, and eventally touched down at the really short runway at Kahului.

I got picked up from the airport and we drove to our hotel in Lahaina. Nice hotel. Nice rooms. Small apartments, really.

Later in the afternoon we went on a walk along Front Street, saw a giant cruise ship, and a nice sunset.

1 comment:

CHRistIAN said...

mein Sohn; vermute, daß zu dem minderwertigen Flugservice ...
lassen wir das,
Hawai-Mädchen mit Kränzen hast Du sicher auch nicht erwartet. Ist bei der Ankunft auf Flughäfen auch wohl nicht so üblich.
Wichtig ist, daß Du von der Insel (und Hotel natürlich)gut aufgenommen bist und diese Einmaligkeit genießen kannst.
Genauso soll es auch die nächsten Tage weitergehen!