Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Feeding the fishes

I knew this would happen...

As much as I like whale watching, I don't like the part where you (and the people around you) feed the fishes. When we left Monterey Harbor shortly after 9am the naturalist aboard Sea Wolf II suggested: "If you are planning to take sea sick medicine, now is a good time. -- It's been a little bit choppy out there the last couple days". Uh oh.

That said, the trip was fabulous. Not even an hour into the 4-hour trip, halfway to the Monterey Bay Canyon, we saw a ~90ft long blue whale. As soon as we got to the canyon edge, the show continued with several groups of humpback whales, and then later with lots and lots ("thousands") of dolphins playing in the waves around the boat. Occasionally, it looked like the water was boiling around us from all the dolphins. There was lots of krill, including the famous "whale soup" that shows up as a redish stain on the water from all the krill in that spot.


CHRistIAN said...

Glück muß man haben!
Beim Whalewatching gleich nach kurzer Zeit erfolgreich gucken,und dann auch noch einen Blauwal, und Wale und Delfine und dann auch noch die vielen Tiere in der Tourzeit! Da lohnt es sich um so mehr, morgens aufzubrechen und so früh wie möglich rauszufahren!
Prima! und dann noch so ein "bewegender" Film;
es ist schon faszinierend bei so einer Tour mitzufahren!Unsere Tour damals war auch wunderschön aber die Stückzahl war deutlich eingeschränkt; Faszination aber trotzdem!!!!

Leo said...

Das war aber "whale poop", nicht "whale soup". :)