Sunday, December 06, 2020

Schuco 452655300 - Stückgut Vans

As I was working on my express freight warehouse in Emsingen a couple years ago, I wanted to populate the street side with the typical Deutsche Bundesbahn delivery trucks. I went as far as collecting photos for use in a truck repainting projects. That project never made it to the top of the list, though.

I was delighted last January when the Q1/2020 MHI announcement included Stückgut trucks and a van made by Schuco, in exactly the paint scheme I was looking for. Naturally, I immediately ordered them. 

Today, the shipment finally arrived, and I have to say, I'm thrilled.

The trucks are beautifully detailed, and even have proper license plates! The bodies are made from metal. The covers of the loading area look good, but have too much a plastic shiny look. That's easily fixed, though, so I'm not really complaining.

Now I just need to add a driver in one or two of the trucks, some light weathering, and they are ready for the layout. Nevertheless, even out of the box they look great. 

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