Sunday, September 09, 2018

Sorry is not good enough!

Dear Hornbach: You can't just place your advertisement in front of my motive and then say, "Sorry".
That's just not good enough!
Please be more considerate next time and move your outdoor advertisement off to the side when there's a train coming, so that I can take my photos without a commercial break. Thank you.

Lieber Hornbach: Ihr koennt doch nicht Euer Werbeplakat vor mein Motiv stellen, und dann einfach "Sorry" sagen. Das geht doch nicht!
Bitte passt beim naechsten mal etwas mehr auf und schiebt Eure Aussenwerbung zur Seite wenn ein Zug kommt, so dass ich meine Fotos ohne Werbeunterbrechung machen kann. Danke.

I was standing on the platform at track 4 in Ludwigsburg last year when I saw this Regional Express of double-deck cars pushed by a class 110 engine come into the station on track 2. I did not have a good photo of a 110 with the double-deck cars yet. Not enough time to get to the stairs and head over to the other platform. As the train trundles to a stop I prepared to take my photo, only to have it stop as you see above with the defining feature of class 110, three windows to the machine room between the cooling vents on either side, hidden behind the billboard.

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