Monday, May 25, 2015

Hallelujah Papermill: The problem of the Finished Paper Warehouse

I decided to use a half-finished building I found under the layout as the basis for the Finished Paper Warehouse at Hallelujah Paper. There's only a tiny problem: The building doesn't fit into the allocated space. As you can see in the photo above the warehouse is too deep to fit between the Hell'N'Begone Mine siding and the warehouse spur. The closed loading dock is very appropriate for a paper loading facility, but too short.

I should fill the empty space behind the spur with more warehouse space and might want to add a loading door next to the spur.

The other problem with the building: There are clearance issues between the Mine track and the internal support structure as well as the foundation of the building.

How I kitbashed the building is in part 2.

1 comment:

CHRistIAN said...


unfassbar großartig

ich hätte noch nicht einmal von der Idee träumen geschweige den der Wahrheit nahe kommen können !!!


AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME ................................... !!!!!!!